The Membership Process


Fill out National’s Form

All membership applications go through our national organization. The form asks for some brief demographic information and locality so the nearest club or Young Communist League can reach out to you.
Join Us – Communist Party USA (


National will refer you to us

National will process your application and send us your demographic and contact information. This process can take some time.

If you have any questions during this time, please feel free to contact Just because you’re not a member yet doesn’t mean you can’t participate with us. We have a public contacts list and regularly invite our contacts to attend actions along with our members.

We also host a monthly Marxist Study Group that’s open to everyone. More information about the Marxist study group can be found here.


We’ll contact you for a brief interview

The interview isn’t a formal or strict process. It’s more to get to know you, gauge your interests in what kind of work you would like to participate in, your skills, and answer any questions you may have about the communist party.


National Membership Dues

All members of the communist party pay dues. Dues can be paid at any point in the membership process. Dues are kept deliberately low, so that they’re not a barrier to membership. Dues function on a pay what you can model. Most members pay $5/month ($60/year); low-income members pay $2/month ($24/year).
Pay Dues – Communist Party USA (